The Practice no longer provides Travel Advice or Travel Immunisations.
- Patients can access information on what vaccinations are required, together with malarial and safe travel advice at Home – Fit for Travel.
- Four Travel Vaccines are available on the NHS (Typhoid, Hepatitis A, DPT and Cholera) at no direct cost to the patient.
Please remember to allow at least 6-8 weeks to arrange your vaccination appointment before departure.
To make an appointment for a travel health risk assessment in Scotland, contact the NHS health board where you live.
Please note only the undernoted vaccines are available on NHS Prescriptions:-
- Hepatitis A
- Typhoid
- Diphtheria
- Tetanus
- Polio
Please download or useful leaflet on Mosquito Advice
Immunisation against infectious Hepatitis (Hepatitis A) is available free of charge on the NHS in connection with travel abroad. However Hepatitis B is not routinely available free of charge and therefore you may be charged for this vaccination when requested in connection with travel abroad
Private Travel Clinics
You can also attend a MASTA clinic or any other Private Travel Clinic. Please be aware that charges will apply.
Excess quantities of regular repeat prescriptions
A Scottish home and Health Department circular from 1971 clarifies the position on prescribing for patients going abroad for extended periods. It states:-
“If a patient intends to go away for a longer period(than two to three week’s holiday) he/she may not be regarded as a resident of this country and would not be entitled to the benefits of the National Health Service…. It may not be in the patient’s best interest for him/her to continue to self-medication over such longer periods…. If a patient is going abroad for a long period, he/she should be prescribed sufficient drugs to meet his/her requirements only until such time as he can place himself/herself in the care of a doctor at his/her destination.”
Where ongoing medical attention is not necessary, the patient may be given a private prescription.
Useful Links
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Lonely Planet’s website
International Society of Travel Medicine
Health Advice for the Diabetic
Fit for Travel – an NHS site written at the Scottish Centre for Infection and Environmental Health
Medical Advice Services for Travelers Abroad
UK travel health – site developed by a nurse
Centre for Disease Control – in Atlanta